Don’t compare

  We often take for granted the brilliance of our own inspirations after time and begin searching for something more. We look to our past works or other people and artists to see how our works size up. While this can at times be helpful, it is often more detrimental than we are aware.

Stop comparing your current work to your past work and the work of others. We all have different motor skills, different levels of consciousness and comprehension, different materials and different ideas, this is what makes the world of art so diverse and surprising. Be that part of this world that you are and accept it with a sense of humor and love. When you are grateful and appreciative for your skills and inspirations, more will come to you with greater ease. It’s like this; no one wants to go where they are being ridiculed and not appreciated, creativity and inspiration works the same way. If you want more powerful and creative works you must stop being so critical, it inhibits the evolutionary process. When you stop criticizing and comparing your work suddenly you stop criticizing others and yourself, and you will find the flood gates of productivity and inspiration will open for you.